Parents & Guardians With Students Under The Age of 18
ISC along with Canterbury and Lincoln University aim to provide the under 18 care outlined by the New Zealand Qualification authority and the Pastoral Care of International students.
ISC will on arrival sit down with parents, students and host families to help establish a good support system for your son/daughter
ISC Understand that coming to a different culture can have different effects on each student and we are here to help them with this transition
ISC will work closely with the support staff at each University keeping regular contact with staff who will keep in regular contact with parents/Guardians. We will also meet with each under 18 student once a semester in their homestay to make sure that all their needs are being met.
ISC will provide the students with booklets outlining all the information they will need to help adjust and settle into a positive learning environment for their studies.
The Orientation booklet your child will receive on arrival will help them understand what is expected of them in their homestay, and what they can expect from their host family. There will be certain requirements that students will need to abide by for their safety and wellbeing, this is important and will be made clear to them on arrival in NZ.
Sending your Son or Daughter Away when they are under 18 can be a big decision...
Brent and I , as parents , understand this important time in your child's education as shown by our two daughters. Our daughter Victoria has spent four years overseas in London, and now has just completed three years study (Bachelor of Midwifery) to become a Midwife and our other daughter April is completing a Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology Degree at Canterbury University. We will always do our best to provide a safe, positive living experience in one of our homestays for your son/daughter to strive to the best of their abilities.